Friday 7 November 2008

Random things and an award!

It's been all quiet on the tagging/award front for a while then two come along at once!

First up Camille of Croque-Camille wants to know six random things about me. It took some thought but here goes...

!. I have personally met the Archbishop of Canterbury, he was very nice and gave me ice cream!

2. I once cycled 120 miles from London to the sea, as if that isn't mad enough I did it through the night!

3. I absolutely love coffee and probably drink a good 10 cups a day, not good I know...

4. I have never travelled outside Europe, I would love to visit New York someday.

5. I'm a complete wimp when it comes to spicy food, I only like it if it's very mild.

6. I have a pet cat called Foxie. Apparently he looks like a fox, I can't see it myself but I didn't name him!

There were some rules for this tag:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

I would like to pass this tag onto:

Hopies kitchen
A pot of tea and a biscuit
Jam and clotted cream
Mrs W's kitchen

An award!
Next up an award. I received the E for excellent award from the wonderful Hopies kitchen, I'm touched!

I would like to pass this award on to:

Cherrapeno, I've been following this blog for a while, I love the recipes and the photos are amazing!

And also to FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!, a British blog that I really enjoy reading


  1. Thank you so much for both the award and the tag - I really enjoy following your blog too. I'm without my computer currently but as soon as I get it back, I shall think up some good facts!

  2. Thanks for the tag Sam! I'll have to think about what interesting facts I could post...

  3. Cool! Thanks for playing along!

  4. Hey first time here, loved reading your meme... you tickled me!
    I am off to explore the rest of your blog.

  5. Thank you!!! How wonderful that you thought of me for that award, I'm honoured! I'll pass it on soon and have to wrack my brains for some really useless info on myself - that's the hard bit, lol!
    Thanks again.

  6. I guess this doesn't count towards my interesting facts yet, but I AM hosting my first ever blogging event this week and I'd love for you to participate, especially since you're a fellow cyclist!

  7. 20 miles at night is impressive, but 10 cups of coffee a day! That's just crazy! ;-)

  8. Very interesting! And a well-deserved award. What flavour of icecream was the archbishop dishing?

  9. Foodycat: Only vanilla I'm afraid, still it was real vanilla at least!
