Thursday 18 June 2009

Home-made beef burgers

There's nothing quite like a good beef burger, fat, juicy and full of flavour. With barbecue season in full swing I thought I would try to convince you just how good burgers can be if you make your own, not only do they taste fantastic but they're a breeze to make too.

All you need to make the most basic of burgers is good quality minced beef, salt and pepper. I like to make mine a little more interesting by adding other flavours to the mix, you could add chilli, herbs, cheese, fried onions etc whatever you like really. For my burgers I used chopped sun-dried tomatoes and basil for an Italian feel then finished them off with some melting mozzarella, trust me, they were good!Once you've chosen your flavours it's just a case of mixing everything well together and using your hands to form them into burgers. I find it helps to leave in the fridge for an hour or so after you've made them as it helps them to firm up and keep their shape, of course if your really desperate you could cook them immediately!

So here are my top tips for making fantastic burgers:
  • Use good quality mince/ground beef, you need some fat but not too much so don't buy the really cheap stuff.
  • Add plenty of salt and pepper, they really need it.
  • Don't add anything to chunky or too wet to the mixture this will cause the beef to break up during cooking and you'll be eating it from a bowl not a bun!
  • Get the pan, grill or barbecue searingly hot before you put the burgers on, this will create a caramelised crust on the outside.
  • Let the burgers rest in the fridge for an hour or so after you've made them so they can firm up.
I hope you'll try making your own, once you do you'll never go back!


Karen said...

Wow, that hamburger looks wonderful! Love the flavors you put into it.

Amanda @ Mrs.W's Kitchen said...

Yum! Looks great, Sam!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love love love burgers!! And this burger got me drooling...

pigpigscorner said...

It sure looks good!! I want a burger now!

Pam said...

I always buy really, really lean ground beef and it makes an okay burger but not as good as one that has some fat in it. Your burger looks mouth watering good.

Beth (jamandcream) said...

Looks delish Sam

Becky -Girl Interrupted Eating said...

Look gorgeous

Anonymous said...

looks sooooo amazing!!! and i love the pasta too... yum... :)

The Caked Crusader said...

oooh - that cheese on top is making me drool!

Sylvie said...

Sam, what a great looking burger. I good homemade burger just can't be beaten.

gastroanthropologist said...

You are so right - good mince and s+p is all you really need. Your talking to an American - grilling burgers is absolutely happening weekend after next for 4th of July!

Hopie said...

Mmmm, I want one now! Those look delicious. Thanks for the tips!

Alicia Foodycat said...

That looks superb. I keep meaning to make my own burgers but I never get around to it! You inspire me.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Barbecued burger season is upon us so I will be trying this often:D